Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Dishonor- to deprive of honor; disgrace; bring reproach or shame on.

Honor- to hold in honor or high respect; revere.

Dishonor is sin, believe it or not. It wasn't until recently that I have begun to understand more in depth the meaning of honor. And that in order for us to honor God, we must first honor each other. For how can we possibly honor God- The Most Highest, the Almighty, the Alpha and Omega; and yet we can't even esteem and honor our brother. This past Sunday a minister at my church preached on Honor and it really opened my eyes.

Yeah, we call ourselves Christians and claim to honor God, but do we really. Jesus Christ knew the true definition of honor. He constantly met with God, one on one seeking him day in and day out. He always placed him above everything.

When we go to heaven our focus will be on him and his kingdom. We will honor him day in and day out. Our practice for this should be here on earth now. We are called to honor each other. Which means everyone: God, our spiritual parents (our pastors), the government, our parents, our brothers and sisters in Christ, etc. Often we, including myself don't do this. Some us don't abide by laws which the government has put in place. Or we don't respect our parents. Or some talk about the pastor behind his back. These and other dishonoring acts do not allow us to be Christ-like. As I mentioned earlier Christ knew the true meaning of honor, and we should too. And not just know it and understand it, but practice it day in and day out. We are to give much more than we receive. We are to place others above ourselves. This and other Christ-like acts (serving God and being obediant) will continue to draw people of the world into the church, thus fulfilling our mission- to bring others to Christ.

For me this was an extremely important message because I knew that there was dishonor in my life, but I didn't know exactly how important it was and how displeased God was with it. But its all a process and each day the Holy spirit ministers to me more and more. So my prayer today is that God will show me, along with anyone else lacking honor in their life, how to esteem others the way he has called me to. I pray that he will constantly remind us that in dishonoring others we are indeed dishonoring him! To God be the Honor, the Glory, and the Power!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

His Delay is not his Denial: "Wait upon the Lord"

I want to start off with just thanking the Lord for all he's done for me and all he is currently doing for me. I praise him and thank him for restoration. I thank him for strength and discernment and a peace that I've never had before. Okay with all that said, the topic of this post is "Waiting upon the Lord." I heard a song this morning about waiting upon the Lord. Everything is in the Lord's timing. He knows whats best for us. The words of the song go: we may not know when, we may not know how. This is so true we may not know when and we certainly may not know how. I don't know about you but I've been there plenty of times. When circumstances have become bad and fixing them seems impossible. But God is the impossible. He can do anything. It all comes down to faith and just standing. When we haven't quite heard from God yet in regards to our next step in our situation that does not mean he is not listening. There is one time when God reminded me through his Holy Spirit manifested in a sister in Christ that he had not yet forgotten about a huge issue that was on my heart. You see God cares, and he will often speak through people in order to increase our faith in him. And even if it only increases by a little bit (And the Lord answered, If you had faith (trust and confidence in God) even [so small] like a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, Be pulled up by the roots, and be planted in the sea, and it would obey you Luke 17:6), thats good enough for God to move in the situation. So if you've asked God for something and have not gotten an answer back yet, just know that he has not forgotten. His Word says that he will never leave us or forsake us, (Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you- Hebrews 13:5) So while waiting upon him just continue to have an insurmountable faith in him and stand on his Word.

Isaiah 40:31 -but those who wait on the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.