The Abundant LIFE!

God is awesome! He is sooo goood!:) Thank God for sound doctrine. God answers prayer- sometimes years later but the prayers are always answered. The Bible says that Jesus came so that we can have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). Alot of TV preachers and even local preachers misuse this scripture. Yes God wants us to have an abundant earthly life but the ULTIMATE abundant life is in heaven with him- the ETERNAL life!........Many corrupt false teachers teach that this verse means that we are to be prosperous with money, cars, and houses. This couldn't be more far from the truth. God blesses his children but that does not mean that he intended for us all to be rich. If this were the case, there would be no missionaries- who literally lay down there total lives for the Lord. And please don't misunderstand being rich is not a sin but the love of money is. Ok, so back to the abundant life- our abundant life here on earth is being able to walk with God and talk with him and to just feel a "taste" of his presence. And this taste is more than enough cause us as humans could not withstand the multitude of his total presence!! Humans are fleshly and the world is of the devil- this is why we are not called to have an abundant life on earth. Our abundant life is with the Lord in eternity- do not be fouled by wolfs in sheep clothing who want to take your money. Instead let God be Lord of your life in all areas and you will experience his presence in abundance until the time of your ULTIMATE abundant life with HIM! Amen & Amen!