God Speaks.....

I've learned recently that God speaks to those who make their selves available to him. For a long time I didn't hear from God because I was not listening. By listening I mean surrounding myself totally with things and people that glorify him. And also surrendering 100% to him. Letting him use me in every which way no matter what. Reading the Word, because it is truely living, has opened my ears even more. The Bible says that God's words are sharper than any two-edged sword, which is so true in every way. The Word can be used to convict, teach, and deliver. If we as Christians, take the time to read God's word he will most definitely make himself known through his word.
I'm learning every day to walk in Spirit and Truth, instead of submitting to the flesh. As I live through my spirit more and more God empowers me more and more its amazing. Most recently I had a difficult task to complete and I am still somewhat in the process of completing it. As I follow the Lord (thus my spirit) he tends to give me more direction every step of the way. God is truly my everything. He is my comfort, my Help, my Friend, my Rock--- and so much more. I love you God and thank you forever more!