Monday, October 31, 2005

He will never leave you or forsake you

I haven't posted in awhile because life for me has not been easy lately. And I've been kinda down and out, but through it all the Lord never left me. That is the extraordinary thing about God. Your friends may leave you and maybe even your family, but God will never ever leave you. No matter how many times you do him wrong, he is always there w/ arms wide open waiting to embrace you. And I thank him more than ever for that. God is so so so GOOD!

On this day today, I thank God for his mercy and his love and more than anything his forgiveness! I praise him for who he is and what he does and continues to do in my life. I worship him because of his glory and his power!

I thank God for being in my life and directing my ways, cause without him I'd be lost, lost, lost! I thank God for seeing me through even when I forgot him, he did not forget me- not for one second. My God, my God my loving merciful God.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ms T. i am in such agreement with the sentiment of this post. In life, when all else is set aside the only thing that is constant and unchanging is the character and unconditional agape Love Of GOd! we as mere individuals don't even know how to be good stewards of Gods love, at our best the bible says our rightousness is filthy. So i too thank God for being so good to me, in spite of me!

Thanxs 4 holding down herina, i know it is probably like second nature because of ya'll relationship, but i want you to know that i appreciate the fact that even in these awkward, and unanticipated times, that she has the support from you. I really Love your sister and i just want her to be happy, and when i couldnt seem to find the words to say to make her smile (like today) i am GLad that you were able to lighten the load at least a little.
mad Love T

Chris J.B.

October 31, 2005  
Blogger feels good b n FREE said...

i'm still mad that u ain't link to me on ur page! humph! lol
But really, I can totally relate to what you wrote.And let me just say...that it is the LOVE and MERCY...the KINDNESS and FORGIVENESS that God extends that draws and CHANGES man.

Because Christ loves me so, in spite of my crap, even when i don't love me...I will serve Him til the day I die.
I want to walk in the Spirit and live upright. I am so grateful too.
I am also glad that God has seen fit to place all of us in each others lives...not by chance.

So move're bout to have another I love Herina so much...and I love your mom...and you too.
...feel free to get with me anytime.

much love and be encouraged!

November 02, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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November 14, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try telling people in this world who have no homes, no education, no money and no support anyone else other people through no fault of their own how good "God" is. Try explaining to people who simply want a chance to survive but will never get it that "God" will never forget them. It's amazing how so many people have been taught that "God" is the creator of all things yet he or she or it is not responsible for the things that go against us. So I would like to explain how it is that "God" is good and wants you to succeed but is willing to allow millions of other people in this country alone to be oppressed and eventually exterminated. Or maybe "God" just isn's good to them.

November 15, 2005  
Blogger Tilina said...

To anoynomous: Okay, Let me start off by saying God is a GOOD. And I thank him everyday for his greatness and his mercy. As far as people who have no homes, no education, no food, etc. They are excepting God and they are still excepting God til this day. There are people who can say they have no money etc, but are content and happy in the Lord- which is greater than anything.

This earth is not are home, so we will have problems. God never said we wouldn't have problems. He said we would have trials and tribulations; but he would be there with us always.

I can understand how this is hard for some people to except or believe because they have never felt the comfort of the Lord. Which is sad because I cannot imagine going through life without him.

The issue is not our problems, but the mere fact that we have someone to turn to, who will always be there.

The Bible tells us not to focus on the thigs on this earth, but on the kingdom of God.

In conclusion, I will say that the Lord is not in anyway responsible for the disasters in this world, he allows things to happen because of sin. But imagine a place where there is no sin; it is magnificent!! That place is heaven, where we all should long to be.

November 15, 2005  
Blogger Tilina said...


Thanks for all the encouragement:) and I love u too! I agree w/ u on there being a reason for being placed in each others lives.

U see I've added u to my links:) So u won't be tryin to fight me next time I see u (LOL).

November 15, 2005  

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