Whats Really Going On!
"It is a great day for a little child when he learns to feed himself; so it becomes a new era in a believer's life when he forms the habit of going daily to the original sources of spiritual truth for his own personal nourishment."
~Thompson Chain
America, I dare u to examine yourselves! What is going on w/ the Christians (including myself) this day in age. I had to really re-examine myself last week and I encourage u to also.
How many of u honestly have a relationship w/ the Lord? Okay a lot of u may have quickly said yes. But I ask u to ask yourself again. Okay we all know what relationship means. How can we call ourselves Christians when we barely spend time w/ Christ. How Often do u read ur Bible? 64% of Americans do not read their Bibles, which leaves us w/ 36% that do. And the 36% could possible only read their Bible on Sundays while at church. This is sad, really sad.
In order to maintain a relationship w/ God u must meet w/ him Daily through prayer and study. We call ourselves Chrisians but watch on an average 15 hours of TV a week! And spend 2 hours w/ God a week (and for most of us thats in Church on Sundays). We call ourselves Christians, but pollute our minds and our hearts w/ filth! We watch music videos that degrate self worth. We participate in the same things which those who are going to Hell particitpate in- Fornication for one. Many of us who call ourselves Christian have premarital sex, but for some reason excuse it! And think it's okay! We get drunk and go to parties and the club just as the world does! We have more secular music than Christian music in our homes. We praise God in Church w/ Songs and Hallelujahs, but we don't realize that God could care the less about our praise if our lives are not right!
We are failing to see that the end times are at hand. We are the church age that thinks we are saved. The majority of Christians today are neither hot nor cold and the Lord will spit u out! It's serious. We do eveything that the Bible speaks against and still call ourselves Christians! We all need a reality check
The Bible is the living Word! And the Word is God! The Bible is to be our spiritual milk and without it we can not grow. Try it, I dare u! Read the Bible for one week and see how much u grow and how much closer your relationship is w/ Christ. Without that close relationship we cannot hear God's voice. We pray and wonder why we have not heard back from God? We wonder why we miss blessings the Lord has for us? We wonder why when it's all said and done the Lord says- I do not know u, Depart from me.
I urge u and your households to be strong in God's Word. And pick it up each and every day as if it were medicine and u would die without it. The Church as a whole will grow and we will then begin to experience the power which God has for us in our lives and in witnessing.
Do not love the world or anything in the world. For if anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world; the cravings of sinful man, the lust in his eyes, and the boasting of what he has and does comes not from the Father; but from the world. The world and it's desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.
~1John 2:15-17
~Thompson Chain
America, I dare u to examine yourselves! What is going on w/ the Christians (including myself) this day in age. I had to really re-examine myself last week and I encourage u to also.
How many of u honestly have a relationship w/ the Lord? Okay a lot of u may have quickly said yes. But I ask u to ask yourself again. Okay we all know what relationship means. How can we call ourselves Christians when we barely spend time w/ Christ. How Often do u read ur Bible? 64% of Americans do not read their Bibles, which leaves us w/ 36% that do. And the 36% could possible only read their Bible on Sundays while at church. This is sad, really sad.
In order to maintain a relationship w/ God u must meet w/ him Daily through prayer and study. We call ourselves Chrisians but watch on an average 15 hours of TV a week! And spend 2 hours w/ God a week (and for most of us thats in Church on Sundays). We call ourselves Christians, but pollute our minds and our hearts w/ filth! We watch music videos that degrate self worth. We participate in the same things which those who are going to Hell particitpate in- Fornication for one. Many of us who call ourselves Christian have premarital sex, but for some reason excuse it! And think it's okay! We get drunk and go to parties and the club just as the world does! We have more secular music than Christian music in our homes. We praise God in Church w/ Songs and Hallelujahs, but we don't realize that God could care the less about our praise if our lives are not right!
We are failing to see that the end times are at hand. We are the church age that thinks we are saved. The majority of Christians today are neither hot nor cold and the Lord will spit u out! It's serious. We do eveything that the Bible speaks against and still call ourselves Christians! We all need a reality check
The Bible is the living Word! And the Word is God! The Bible is to be our spiritual milk and without it we can not grow. Try it, I dare u! Read the Bible for one week and see how much u grow and how much closer your relationship is w/ Christ. Without that close relationship we cannot hear God's voice. We pray and wonder why we have not heard back from God? We wonder why we miss blessings the Lord has for us? We wonder why when it's all said and done the Lord says- I do not know u, Depart from me.
I urge u and your households to be strong in God's Word. And pick it up each and every day as if it were medicine and u would die without it. The Church as a whole will grow and we will then begin to experience the power which God has for us in our lives and in witnessing.
Do not love the world or anything in the world. For if anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world; the cravings of sinful man, the lust in his eyes, and the boasting of what he has and does comes not from the Father; but from the world. The world and it's desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.
~1John 2:15-17
WOW!!!!! For a devout Christian you sure have absorbed the prevailing scientific/technical language and spirit of our time. A 'relationship' with God? What on Earth does that mean? It sounds so technical, so scientific, so devoid of real meaning and feeling. Now, perhaps, the good-old word belief might do better.
ok so for the first two that commented, One: Don't talk to my sister like that, and Two: what she wrote is for believers so naturally you wouldn't undertstand it, Three. she's not trying to "save" you because only God can speak to your heart, she's only doing what He asked, telling the truth in a world full of lies. What's sad is that you don't know the truth and you think that you do. You'll be in my prayers. And Tilina, I'm sorry for all those horrible things I said to you. Sometimes it takes hearing from an unbeliever to recognize how much us believers need to stick together. God Bless.
~baby sis
Thanks to all those who had an encouraging word to say; And to those who had something negative to say thanks also, cause it only encouraged me more so. And again, Ree thanks for holding me down!
God Bless!
God Bless?
You opeened your post to pass judgement on others. So maybe it's not you that needs to be held down.
Explain to me how it is that a religion that has been used to further the agendas of white people against blacks now has blacks as its number one supporters.
If black people understood the history of the Bible and Christianity, there is no way there would be any such thing as a black "Christian".
To Anonymous:
You are missing my whole point completely. It is not about a religion or denomination- or man made idea. It is about a relationship with God. It is about knowing who he is and believeing in who he is. It's about knowing that when we die we are either going to heaven or hell- the choice is up to u. The Good Lord gives us that choice and now is that time to take it befor eit is too late. He is bestowing his mercy on us right now; in the end there will be no more mercy. Listen, I can go on and on, but u know whats better than that prayer. I will definitely be praying steadfastly for u. God Bless! T
Oh and I am in no way passing judgement on anyone, only the Lord can judge. I am only encouraging as we are called to do according to the Word.
I'm sorry that u have so much hatred towards white people. Maybe if u were familiar with the Bible u would not be saying the things you are saying. Like I said in one of my post, I double dare u to pick the bible up and read it, before it is too late. God Bless
well as far as hatred toward white people, that isn't true and I'm still trying to figure out how you got that from what I said..as far "picking up the bible and reading it" I have done so more than once from cover to cover including the books of the bible that were omitted from the KJV and other popular translations. I have also read the Quran and the Torah and other religious scripture and have a great wealth of knowledge of religious history..so that person you described, who does not know what the bible says, is not me...Anytime you wish to compare knowledge of the bible, i am willing to
If it's not about man-made ideas, then how could the Bible be a part of your ideological background. when the Bible itself is man-made. Written by intellegent people to control less knowledgable people at a time when religion was also government.
Now dont take this the wrong way, these comments are not meant to demean you in any way, I just think that the same way you believe people are scared to read the bible, there are also people who are scared to question it for fear of what they may find
Okay, like I said in my first response, I can go on and on, but to argue with someone who does not know God about God is foolish. And if u are so bold in what you are saying, why don't you state your name instead of putting anonymous. Nothing harsh meant in any way, but I'd like to know who I'm talking to.
The Bible is not man-made; it was written by man through God: 2 Peter 1:20, 21- knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
Reading the Bible without the discernment of the Holy Spirit is like reading any history book. It is only when your heart and mind have been enlightened by the Holy Spirit that you are really able to see the truth of the Bible. Then when you read the Bible, you will see that it is literally God's word to you!
I can only say I will keep u in prayer each and every day. God Bless! T
Psalm 92:6- The senseless man does not know, fools do not understand.
Titus 3:9- But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the Law because these are unprofitable and useless.
Well to address your comment about me hiding my identity, I am not a member of your blogging service so my choices are "anonymous" or "other". Anonymous simply means one less step, but if my name is that important to you, so be it.
Truthfully, you are not unlike many religious people that I know who frown on the idea of exercising reason in a discussion but instead chooses to run to retrieve quotes from scripture as opposed to providing theory with any kind of rational merit.
And the Bible was written and filled with just that type of ammunition just for situations like this when someone challenges the strength and validity of the ideology you have invested in so heavily. I do not believe in the bible, and even I could supply at least 15 or 20 such quotes from it.
Secondly, what makes you or anyone else an authority on whether or not I "know about God"? Because you have read the Bible? So have I...that proves absolutely nothing. Because you and yours are in "fellowship" with him? I grew up in a Christian home...that also proves nothing. It just amazes me how people classify you as someone who doesn't know about God when you have beliefs that are contrary to their's.
Third, whether or not it was meant to, the scripture you quoted in your last post does not offend me in the least. That is exactly how religious people are programmed, to call anyone who disagrees with their teachings a fool. In fact, I think that a person who uses reason and rationality and logic and the tools they were given by this all-knowing all-seeing "God" to survive in the world is the last person that can be called senseless or foolish. Definitely not before someone who believes in scripture that not only opposes anything remotely close to common sense, but is contradictory of itself!!! The idea that you should abandon your logic and rationality when it comes to addressing questions that no man can truly answer is quite convenient and fits seamlessly into the overall purpose of religious scripture such as the bible.
I've seen religion used for a great many things in my life, but the most popular use for religion by the average person of "faith" is to help them believe exactly what they want to.
Again, you've truly missed my point. What I wrote went right over your head. I don't expect u to understand it, I can only pray and hope that u will one day.
I repeat, it is not about knowing about God or knowing about the Bible. That is useless if you do not know God, there is a difference.
And finally something I can agree with you on: it has nothing to do with being raised in a Christian home or going to church or knowing scripture. It's about a personal relationship w/ our Lord Jesus Christ.
All I can say is, my heart goes out to you to say the least.
Just curious, let me ask u- what do u believe in? Do u believe in the afterlife? Do u believe in a God? Heaven or Hell? Death? Life?
Just so I can get a full understanding of where u might be coming from.
Well, I appreciate your concern, but here is no need for you to feel for me or pity me in any way - i'll be just fine. I have become accustomed to defending my position because my beliefs from many of my peers. That mostly comes from the misconception that you must have religion or "relationship with Jesus" in order to have morality or spirituality
To answer your question in a nutshell(cause the answer is a lot deeper and more intricate) I do in my heart of hearts believe that there is a higher power, for many reasons. That however does not prevent me from seeing that the greatest trick ever performed by man was convincing other men that he had specific knowledge of this "God" and his wishes. This was such a remarkable feat in fact that this system of disinformation was designed so that it for the rest of time it would be self-perpetuating and remain unchallenged by the masses.
I do not believe in concepts such as demons or the devil or Heaven or Hell. Nor do I believe in the concept of pastors or getting "saved". These are all the bi-products of mysticism. As far as the afterlife and ascension and such concepts, I am willing to accept what is the most obvious of things in regard to this topic - and that is that absolute knowledge or even rudimentary knowledge of these things and of "God's will" is unattainable in this life. If we were meant to know these things about God,we would know them. The notion that there are specific people who do know these things are the key factors in class division and the manupulation of human minds and emotions(specifically fear and greed). This is not the word of God, but the word of man. We do know that we have been given certain faculties and abilities to survive and these things should be used to make life all you can make it, and when it is all said and done, one day it will be your turn to find out whether or not there is an afterlife.
You yourself said that reading the Bible without "the discernment of the Holy Spirit is like reading any history book." That alone proves that there is no reason for you to believe any of the things in the bible unless you had approached the bible already wanting to believe what it says. What else would make anyone take a literal interpretaion of scripture? What proof is there that your spirit lies in the hands of Jesus Christ, a man whose life has been mystified to further the biblical agenda, who may or may not have even lived?
What then is the difference between the teachings of the monotheistic religions and all other types of folklore? Nothing. Thats why it makes no sense to me that most of the people that practice these religion take these teachings literally(at least when it it convenient).
prophetic seer -
I pray for the fellow who's name is tyrone but agree that some people take religion and the word and become fanatics. Do not fully understand what they are following
according to scripture we are to use our factors of reason in all things. Jesus taught this and so did the disciple Paul teach this. tyrone you were probably raised in a home, just like me where you were forced or your parents were strict,fanatics and not given a chance to really examine everything fully on your own and for yourself. I was forced,crammed and faced by many fanaics in my life time. I did not like how they pushed things on me like the word and was hurt in side full of resentment. I know that my redeemer lives and I had to search many churches,examine many ways and studied behaviours. I tell you I have seen some people live the word and some people half hearted and even the ones who did not care about learning about anything but just showed up for church. Then one day I talked with a friend who invited me to his baptism. After his baptism he gave me a book of mormon and said pray about it and read it. You will understand if it is for you. I did and I'll tell you that gave me such a release and I felt the spirit and read the words and such peace came upon me and I new I was not being forced for their was no one their to cohearse me. I knew god was calling. Everyone must find their own path. I thank god now for the fanatics for I look at them like their are a little mix up but without them I would never have gotten that experience and it forced me to get closer to god and now I love it. I still feel annoyed at them for pushing things down my throat and I still do. We should examine ourselves,the word, and how we view others. Everyone believes basically in the same thing the bible and jesus christ its just they may practice it a different way. I like to think we are all god's children and no matter if we go to church or not. God is all around I testify that it is true. Yet I see so many rivalries amoung the churches against other churches. THIS IS NOT CHRIST LOVE! I tell you that christian people who find someone who believes should not argue or try to change anothers beliefs. Simply say here,read it,pray about and you will no if its right for you. I would also like to tell you I went to church at the "CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS"
and I saw such harmony such love and these people did not push or try to force but instead became my friends on a journey home back to my saviour. Thanks for taking the time to read this may god so richly bless you in your lives. I pray for everyone and thank you all for your comments. Keep up the good work. Onward christian soldiers! LOVE YA WITH CHRIST- LIKE LOVE YOU ARE ALL IN MY PRAYERS. I TESTIFY THIS IS TRUE IN JESUS CHRIST NAME amen.
Prophetic Seer: I thank you for your prayers and coment:) God Bless!
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