How Can They Say He Does Not Exist!

My heart goes out to those people who do not know the Lord, Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. But it goes out even more so to those who boldly and firmly insist that he does not exist! How can they say this when his glory is all around us! God is in everything (Genisis 1:21-So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good).

Okay for starters, let's look at nature alone. Look at the many different plants and trees that exist. Not to mention the beautiful flowers and the overwhelming pleasant scents that they posses. The many different colors and shapes and sizes of fruit. The mere fact that they have some substance known to us as fructose, which makes them taste sweet. They are naturally sweetened because God sweetened them. Or just look at the way birds fly in formation, the way a spider spins her web, the way a caterpillar changes into a butterfly, I could go on and on. But these are just a few ways that demostrate God. The amazing fact that the boundary of the sea is the sand, which it can never cross is extraordinary in it's self (Jeremiah 5:22-Should you not fear me?" declares the LORD. "Should you not tremble in my presence? I made the sand a boundary for the sea, an everlasting barrier it cannot cross. The waves may roll, but they cannot prevail; they may roar, but they cannot cross it).

Now let's look at the human body. Both inside and outside are beautiful, but for now let's focus on the inside. It's intricate design speaks for itself. The simple fact that we have 206 bones that comprise our bodies also speaks for itself. Just look at the thousands of veins which run through our bodies. Or the many muscles and tissues that form us. The heart is a wonder of itself, along with the lungs and kidneys, and reproductive system. The miracle of birth extraordinary. I now realize this more so now that I have two kids. Now lets take a short look at the outside. We are all different shapes, sizes and colors. It goes beyond the shapes and sizes of our bodies. Our noses', our eyes, our hair; our whole bodies are outstanding works of art!

There are so many other examples of God's beauty and creativity. Regardless of what some scientist say, I personally know all of this is not by chance! To those of u who who boldy feel that there is no God, I dare u to pick up the Bible and read it. There was a man, well for that matter a few scholars over time, who professed there was no God. One was thoroughly studying the Bible to disprove it. During this time period while he was studying he became a born again believer and began to profess Christ's name boldly! The Bible is truly living! (Hebrews 4:12- For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Matthew 4:4 Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.' Matthew 24:35-Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.) So I challege u today to read the Bible from front to back and then tell me that there is no God!
*Note- For those of u just starting to read the Bible you might find it helpful to start w/ the Gospels of the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John).
"Study the Bible as a traveler who seeks to obtain a thorough and experimental knowledge of a new country" ~ Thompson Chain
do you know if thereĀ“s a way to read the bible in the web?
Yes, there are many ways. I know of two sites in particular: and I hope I've been of some help.
oh, another one that's really good is: It has everything.
Very nice blog. I must admit, I initially only came her because your profile picture is very pretty...but I'm glad I did stop by. It's good to see someone so spiritually grounded and positive on here. Keep on doing what you're doing.
Well, thank u, Hustleman; it's definitely mutual. I'm not so spiritually grounded, just striving to be, u know thats all I can do is try. Thanks for the love and encouragement though:)
Tilina...don't ever have a link to Chris (my brother's page) and not mine...lemme find
Naw, but I love you reppin Christ. Keep having a heart after Him and He will bring increase and abundance in your life. Much luv gurl!
Hey Chandra,
It's been a minute since I've been on my page. Herina emailed me today askin "Whats wrong w/ Me!, why haven't I wrote anything lately". So here I am; but I still don't know what to write cause I've been going through it lately.
Anyway thanks for the love! Oh and I will add a link to ur page.(LOL).
just wanted to give you a bit of encouragement. nuff props on ur blog. when you are an active disciple for the kingdom of God... He is pleased.
Matt 28:19 says "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen"
be it in person or on the net you are doing ur thing. stay encouraged and focused. = )
yo soy...
I would also suggest you check out God's Yellow Pages @
It links you back to but it's a good index page that references scripture based on your situation or current disposition.
awww i just noticed this post was on my birthday :) ok i'm retarded lol (but smiling still)
be blessed... and hang in there... even when you are going thru... in all things give thanks :) last Sunday the minister at my church spoke about trials and tribulations and how when you drink grape juice you never think about how many grapes had to be squeezed to get that glass... same with OJ or when you use olive oil you never think about all the olives that had to be squeezes to make that olive oil... but it's all good... you drink the grape juice or OJ and it's good. well trials and tribulations are the same... God is squeezing you and the final product will be good. find strength and joy in the fact that God cares for you. and He knows exactly how hard or how much to squeeze you to get the best you out :) and He will never leave nor forsake you.
ain't He good!! :)
okay imma quit yappin...i gotta finish my work.
be easy... 1
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